How Far Is Mars From Earth? The Surprising Truth 

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How far is Mars from Earth? It’s a fascinating question that sparks curiosity about the Milky Way. If you want to find the answer, we can help. This article will focus on one of our nearest neighbors in the galaxy. Let’s embark on an astronomical adventure together!

How Far Is Mars From Earth? 

The average distance between Mars and Earth is approximately 140 million miles (about 225 million kilometers). 

However, this distance is not constant due to the elliptical orbits of both planets around the Sun. Besides, Earth’s orbit around the Sun is slightly elliptical, but less so compared to Mars.

Mars follows a more elongated orbit compared to Earth. Hence, its distance from the Sun varies significantly throughout its orbital journey. The orbit also leads to variations in the distance between Mars and Earth.

The distance between the two planets change constantly
The distance between the two planets change constantly

Closest distances 

The closest approach between Mars and Earth, known as opposition, occurs every 26 months when they are on the same side of the Sun.

During opposition, the distance between them is around 35.8 million miles (or 57.6 million kilometers). 

Further distances 

Conversely, when Mars, the Sun, and Earth align, known as a conjunction, Mars can be nearly 249.1 million miles (about 401 million kilometers) from our planet. 

The distance from Mars to Earth depends on several factors
The distance from Mars to Earth depends on several factors. Credit: NASA

So, there is no definitive answer to the distance between Earth and Mars. We can just tell you the average distance and focus on understanding Mars’ farthest and closest distances to Earth. 



Distance (in miles)

Distance (in kilometers) 


October 13th, 2020

39 million

62 million

December 8th, 2022

51 million

82 million

January 15th, 2025

59 million

(95 million

February 19th, 2027

63 million

101 million

March 25th, 2029

60 million

96.5 million


October 8th, 2021

240 million

386 million

November 18th, 2023

235 million

378 million

January 9th, 2026

223 million

359 million

May 25th, 2030

234 million

377 million

How Long Does It Take To Travel From Earth To Mars? 

The travel time from Earth to Mars varies depending on the distance between the two planets. Since light travels at the fastest speed, we will use it as the standard for understanding the time needed for the trip. 

When the two planets are closest, about 35.8 million miles apart, light needs about 3 minutes and 13 seconds to travel between them. Hence, it’s the shortest travel time.

On average, Mars is about 140 million miles away from Earth, and it takes light about 12 minutes 42 seconds to make the journey. 

And finally, the longest travel time occurs when Mars and Earth are farthest apart, at around 249 million miles. In this case, it takes light about 22 minutes to reach its destination.

However, please note that these calculations assume traveling at the speed of light. And it’s impossible for humans. In fact, we travel by space shift, which takes about nine months. 

The exact time to travel from Earth to Mars depends on the speed of your spacecraft and the path you choose.

For example, the travel time may range from 128 days for the shortest journey (Mariner 7) to 333 days for the longest trip (Viking 2). 

The path between Mars and Earth is not a straight line because of the constant motion of the planets. As a result, spacecraft must navigate a curved trajectory. Moreover, you must adjust the spacecraft’s speed when it approaches Mars to ensure capture by its gravitational area. 

This video shows you how we can travel to Mars and how long your trip may be:


Mars is about 140 million miles from Earth. However, the distance between the two planets varies depending on the specific time. Hopefully, this article has helped you learn more about the galaxy.

So next time you gaze at the sky, remember the incredible journey it may take for the light from Mars to reach your eyes.


Hanna is a technical copywriter and editor with a focus on PC, Mac and more at She is passionate about making technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise. When she is not writing or editing, Hanna enjoys painting, and watching sci-fi movies - anything to help her forget the world for a little while.

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